Saturday, August 14, 2021

New quarantine rules for arriving into Abu Dhabi from overseas – Things To Do in Dubai

The latest rules for inbound passengers…

Abu Dhabi Emergency, Crisis and Disasters Committee has announced slightly relaxed inbound travel rules for passengers arriving into the emirate from overseas.

From Sunday, August 15, 2021 the rules are as follows:

Flying from a Green List country

There will be a PCR test on arrival for both the vaccinated and the unvaccinated, and neither group are required to quarantine if the arrival test is negative.

Vaccinated passengers arriving from Green List countries are also currently required to take a further PCR test on day six after arriving in the capital (the day you arrive is considered day 1).

Unvaccinated passengers arriving from Green List countries are required to take a PCR test on day six after arriving in the capital and day nine.

Flying from a non Green List Country

Most recent rule update July 5, 2021.

Vaccinated passengers will need to quarantine for seven days and take a PCR test on arrival and on day six.

Unvaccinated passengers will need to quarantine for 10 days (was previously 12 days), taking PCR tests on arrival and on day nine.

Those required to quarantine will have to wear a tracker bracelet, in order to ensure isolation orders are not broken. Individuals found to be breaking the rules will face heavy fines.

Arriving into Abu Dhabi by road after travelling from over seas

If you have travelled back from a non Green List country within the last 12 days, you’ll need to follow the procedures above. You may be asked to stay in Dubai until the quarantine period specified below (10 or seven depending on vaccination status) has passed, as tracking bracelets are not guaranteed on the road border.

Green countries (as of July 31)

  • Albania
  • Armenia
  • Australia
  • Austria
  • Bahrain
  • Belgium
  • Brunei
  • Bulgaria
  • Canada
  • China
  • Czech Republic
  • Germany
  • Hong Kong (SAR)
  • Hungary
  • Israel
  • Italy
  • Maldives
  • Mauritius
  • Moldova
  • New Zealand
  • Poland
  • Romania
  • Saudi Arabia
  • Serbia
  • Seychelles
  • Singapore
  • South Korea
  • Switzerland
  • Taiwan, Province of China
  • Ukraine
  • United States of America

Travel corridors

If you have been fully vaccinated against Covid-19 (final dose received at least 28 days before travel), you will also not be required to quarantine when you travel between Abu Dhabi and the following countries: Bahrain, Greece, Serbia and Seychelles.

Images: Getty

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